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January 6, 2010
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Robert Lowell, Anthony Costello, Matt Kennedy, Michael Scott and Ken Strom.

Members Absent: None

Staff Present: Dan Hazen, Teresa McIntyre

Others: J. Votruba, G. Kiristy, D. Getman, and S. Gallo

The meeting began at 7:05 PM.

NOTICE OF INTENT - Lot 21 Larkspur Rd -  J. Votruba, representing the applicant, presented modified plans incorporating the changes requested by the Commission. R. Lowell and K. Strom asked for clarification regarding the drainage from the driveway, and the contour of the slope. K. Strom preferring a 3:1 slope. R. Lowell requested that the driveway runoff be directed to the rear of the home. Applicant, S. Gallo agreed to make that modification.

With no further questions from the Commission or the public, K. Strom made a motion to close the hearing. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor.

K. Strom made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with the following special conditions:

1. Applicant is to submit a revised plan that details how the drainage from the driveway is going to be controlled.
2. A permanent demarcation (such as boulders, signs, rail fencing, etc.,) must be placed anywhere development is 25 feet from the wetland.
3. Any grading greater than 3:1 will be riprapped.

R. Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor.

NOTICE OF INTENT - Lot 3 & 4 Reservoir Street - J. Votruba, representing the applicant, presented a proposal for building a single-family home on each lot. Discussion ensued regarding the roof run-off, soil testing, and the demarcation of the wetland boundary. With no further questions from the Commission or the public, M. Scott made a motion to close the hearing. R. Lowell seconded the motion. K. Strom made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with the following special conditions:

1. A permanent demarcation (such as boulders, signs, rail fencing, etc.,) must be placed anywhere development is 25 feet from the wetland.
2. Applicant will submit a marked up plan showing the location of the demarcation to the Commission.

R. Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor.

ALDEN WOODS SWALE - J. Votruba, the applicant's representative was not ready to present or respond, so the hearing was continued until the next meeting.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 373 Sycamore Drive - Applicant is seeking to release this address from DEP #183-1. This was the original order assigned to the subdivision in 1975. K. Strom made a motion to issue a standard Certificate of Compliance. M. Scott seconded. All were in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Lot 14 & 26 - Wagner Meadows - D. Hazen stated that the detention ponds still have not been moved. Continued until next meeting.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES - K. Strom made a motion to accept the Minutes of December 2, 2009. A. Costello seconded the motion. All were in favor.

M. Scott made a motion to adjourn. K. Strom seconded the motion. All were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for February 3, 2010.

The Minutes of January 6, 2010 were approved on February 3, 2010.

Teresa T. McIntyre, Recording Secretary